Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Top Five Wrestlemania Icons

Wrestlemania has always been the showcase of WWE's top talent, but there are certain performers who have defined moments, and shaped the event into what it has become today. They are the icons of Wrestlemania. Here is my list of the top five icons of Wrestlemania. I really wanted to put Vince McMahon on the list as he was mind behind it; but this list will focus on the talent he utilized. Some of the talent who will always be associated with WWE's showcase event.

1. Hulk Hogan

Hogan really was the showcase of Wrestlemania during its early days. He appeared in the main event for Wrestlemanias I-IX, and during this run, he had memorable matches. From Andre the Giant, to Randy Savage, to Ultimate Warrior, he was there. Many early 'mania moments focus around Hogan, and if it weren't for him, one can only speculate as to whether or not Wrestlemania would even be around today.

2. Shawn Michaels

Michaels is well-known to wrestling fans as being “Mr. Wrestlemania”, and there is a reason for that. Many Wrestlemania moments can be attributed to him. From winning the WWF title from Bret Hart in the 60 minute iron man match at Wrestlemania XII, to his retirement match with the Undertaker at last year's Wrestlemania XVI. His charisma, in-ring ability, and the hold he had on audiences meant he'd always put on a good show at the biggest one of the year.

3. The Undertaker

When fans think of The Undertaker, “The Streak” comes to mind for many of them. Coming into this year's Wrestlemania XVII, Undertaker is 18-0. While many of those matches would never be considered classics, the fact is, he has a streak that may never be broken. Let's also not forget his impressive entrances!

4. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin

I almost put Austin third on the list. Though he may not have had as many Wrestlemanias under his belt as the men above him (though he was close to Hogan in number of appearances), the ones he participated in were legendary. It's safe to say that nearly every match he was in was a moment within itself. From his epic encounter with Bret Hart at WM 13, to his three matches with The Rock (15, 17, 19); Austin always opened up a can of whoop ass.

5. Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
Another difficult selection, as I was torn between Heenan, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, and The Rock. Heenan gets the nod because he did it all from Wrestlemanias I-IX. He was a manager. He wrestled (IV and V), and did commentary (VII – IX). His pre-match interviews were epic, as was his time in the commentary booth. The humor he utilized no matter what he was doing is stuff of legend. When I think of early Wrestlemanias, Heenan comes to the top of my mind along with Hogan.

This was a difficult list to make, as there were several other choices that could have easily made this list as well. Randy Savage, The Rock, I even considered Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon. Wrestlemania is a special event in the world of sports entertainment, and there are certain performers who will always be associated with it. I'm certainly hoping, and looking forward to, seeing new icons that will be known as making 'mania special one day.

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